Save Israel   Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Dr. Israel Eldad

Avraham (Yair) Stern

Uri Zvi Greenberg

R. Moshe Tsvi Segal

Ze'ev Jabotinsky

Other Writers

Martyred Heroes

Articles of Interest



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Welcome to

Welcome to a different kind of web site. A web site that offers essays and poems written by the soldiers and commanders (as well as their mentors) who fought to defend the Jewish People in the Land of Israel before and during the formation of the State of Israel in 1948.

The men of the Jewish Legion, Betar, Brit HaBirionim, Brit Hashmonaim, Irgun, and LEHI were brave and selfless souls who forced the British from the Land of Israel and defended Jewish neighborhoods and communities from Arab terrorist attacks.

Some of the articles and poems found within these pages were written during the struggle to create the State of Israel, while others are more recent works; each piece, however, illustrates the depth of thought and commitment of these men.

We ask our readers not make the mistake of assuming that those who fought for the honor of the Jewish People, were just warriors. They were, in fact, intelligent individuals who understood the higher ideals for which they fought. Their words and deeds of half a century ago are as important to study and understand today as they were then. In fact, it could be argued that the words of these men are more critical to the future of the Jewish State than they are as simply the preservation of intellectual history.


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This internet web site is not connected to any political party, political movement or other organization in the United States, Israel or elsewhere and is a completely independent entity. This website is published as a public service.