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Bensalem, PA 19020
Uri Zvi Greenberg

Song of the Great Mind
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Creation of the Universe
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

In a Child’s Ear I Relate
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Those Who Live By Their Virtue Will Say
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Nation, How Great You Are!
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

The Legend of Yaacov Raz
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

A Land Lost
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Anxiety in My Bones Today

by Uri Zvi Greenberg


by Uri Zvi Greenberg

With My G-D, The Smith

by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Like a Woman

by Uri Zvi Greenberg

The Great Sad One
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Jerusalem Surrounded by Walls
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Decay of the House of Israel
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Not One Truth but Two
by Uri Zvi Greenberg

Brief Biography

Anxiety In My Bones Today
(The Poet in the Streets of Mourning)

by Uri Zvi Greenberg

loading . . . .

Anxiety in my bones today. 
I come to you with the feeling of one again
Banished slowly and stealthily from sacred landscapes;
Unredeemed landscapes of the enfeebled
Although still in the hands of the Fire Riders,
sons of Joshua Ben Nun today;
And like the fickle, who do not know why they are that way,
So I, who differ from them in my view of the future
Cannot grasp without reason
Why and wherefore this verdict of "lost tomorrow" can be possible
With Jewish signature upon the paper:
Back to the bottleneck.

Maariv. September 26, 1973. Two days before the start of the Yom Kippur War.