Abba Ahimeir
| Abba Ahimeir : A Brief Biography
Ahimeir (Abba Shaul Geisinovich) was one of the early leaders of the
Zionist Revisionists. He was an ideologist of the Revisionist
movement's most radical wing, a politician and a talented publicist. He
was born in 1898 in the village of Dolgoein Soligorsk region of
Byelorussia. In 1928, when he lived in the British Mandate, Abba
Ahimeir joined Zionists-Revisionists and became a supporter of active
resistance to British Mandate authorities. In 1935 he was arrested and
imprisoned for organizing the illegal "Rebels Union" (Brit-HaBirionim).
Abba Ahimeir's views significantly influenced the shaping of the
ideology of the Irgun and the LEHI undergrounds. He died in 1962.