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HOME Rabbi Moshe Tsvi Segal What is Judaism Without the Temple Mount? by R. Moshe Tsvi Segal Rebuilting the Temple & the Stages of Jewish History by R. Moshe Tsvi Segal The Land, the People & the Torah by R. Moshe Tsvi Segal The Shofar and the Wall by R. Moshe Tsvi Segal Letter to David Ben Shimol by R. Moshe Tsvi Segal Brief Biography E-mail: Contact Information: | An Open Letter by Rav Moshe Tsvi Segal Dear Honorable Rabbis: Rabbis Avraham Shapira, Mordechai Eliyahu - The Chief Rabbis Rabbis Yitzhak Kolitz, Shalom Mashash -Jerusalem Chief Rabbis Rabbis Yedidya Frenkel Chaim David Halevi - Tel-Aviv Chief Rabbis Rabbis Sha'ar Yeshuv Cohen - Haifa Chief Rabbis ![]() And to all the great Torah scholars in Israel and elsewhere: With all due respect and humility before your honor and the honor or your Torah - the law of Moshe and Israel, I hereby express my obligation, as one of the multitude of Israel, to turn to you with a question and a request. For many years now, our lives in Israel are inundated with the murder of Jews by our cruel and evil neighbors that has become the acceptable way of life. We have become accustomed to constant dangers, our honor disgraced, and a desecration of G-d's Name. And then, following the brutal murder of two Jewish students, arose the soldier David Ben-Shimol while the anger still burned inside him and avenged the innocent blood that was shed. The soldier was arrested and now will stand trial before the Israeli courts under laws that are foreign to those of G-d's Torah and the Law of Moshe and Israel. In the bloody riots that broke out in Jerusalem in 1920 when Ze'ev Jabotinsky and his comrades were imprisoned for defending Jews in Jerusalem to 15 years (Jabotinsky) and 3 years for his comrades, the Torah scholars and Rabbis in Eretz Israel announced a day of fasting and prayer and a special service in the Horva Synagogue where the Chief Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak HaCohen Kook, zt"l spoke in tears that the honor of Israel is lost. Four days before, Rabbi Kook began his action against the military government then for sake of the prisoners. When the court of the Mandate Government sentenced Abraham Stavsky, a Jewish youth, to death, then arose Rabbi Kook and gathered the Rabbis and public leaders to his home and organized the campaign to save Stavsky. The Torah commands the judges and the sages of Israel: "do not patronize any man for the judgment belongs to G-d" (Deuteronomy 1:17). It is forbidden to hide the truth and it is a commandment to publicize it. Therefore, my request in the name of the Torah is here before you, the Torah of Truth. In the name of the multitudes of Israel who suffer the disgrace of being slaves in their own land, enslaved to the foreign laws and cultures, we beseech you to investigate this matter, make a true Torah decision, and publicize the word of G-d to the multitudes. I would like to suggest, with your permission, several sources connected to the matter: In the Laws of Kings in Rambam, (chapter 9, halacha 14): a goy that transgressed one of the seven Noahide laws will be put to death by the sword. For this reason, all the residents of Shechem were condemned to die. Schechem stole and the people saw, knew and did not judge him. The Rambam (Genesis 34:13) held: "because the people of Shechem were evil, the children of Jacob wanted to avenge with the sword of vengeance, so they killed the king and all his people for they were his servants and fulfilled his orders." The Rambam in the Laws of the Murderer, (chapter 2, halacha 10) wrote: "a Jew who kills a resident stranger cannot be killed by the court and it is needless to say that he is not killed for killing the goy." The Minchat Chinuch in commandment 32, Do Not Murder, wrote: "the one who kills even a resident stranger who accepted the Noahide laws would not be put to death ... since we donot accept resident strangers now ... he is considered like any goy. Even in the time of the Holy Temple we are not accustomed to accept to accept the resident stranger." For sake of the honor of G-d, the honor of the honor of Israel, please fulfill your obligation in this generation as the great Rabbis did in every generation and sanctify G-d's name with a true and just decision according to our Holy Torah. And G-d will atone for the false judgment of the State of Israel and will put in the hearts of the people in power to return to the Torah of their fathers, the Torah of truth and justice, Amen! With expectation to receive your speedy decision. With great awe before the glory of your Torah. Moshe Tsvi Segal |